Connor Lydon

Resetting Expectations

STarting from zero is an exceptionally powerful skill.

Many of my own failed goals and aspirations have spawned from unrealistic expectations. Starting from zero allows you to move on from what you think a goal should be and ground you in reality.

Previous Proficiencies.
The first and most obvious example of where you should reset expectations is past, out-of-practice hobbies. It should be pretty clear to both yourself (and others) that setting expectations far beyond your current capabilities is unwise. This can lead to perfectionist thinking.

Perceived Expectations.
Reading excessively online or pumping yourself up before actually doing the thing can backfire. Without a baseline, any goal setting will likely diverge wildly from reality. It’s like asking someone to make a budget without looking at their real expenses—it won’t end well. Reevaluate your goal frequently, making sure it aligns with your skill level so you can make real progress.

I’m not the person to define the line between lunacy and a reach goal, but there certainly is one. You’ll set yourself up for disappointment if your goals are unrealistic. Habits compound, and you don’t want to start a negative cycle.

Abandon the Goal.
If you can’t progress toward an expectation or can’t be realistic with yourself, consider abandoning the goal. Perhaps the area just isn’t right for you. Don’t bend over backward for something that clearly isn’t working. I’m not saying this is always valid, but it should be on the table. Sunk cost fallacy.

Reset your expectations to get <THING> done. Unrealistic expectations set you up for failure, likely pushing you away from the initial goal. Be realistic AND aspirational.

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I want to write longer pieces, alike to Paul Graham, but my writing ability in those is lacking. I’m hitting reset.